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Lead Samples Replacement Windows

Below is a feedback from “Replacement Windows Leads” form.

ABCLeads.Com Replacement Windows Leads Reference Number: Replacement
Windows – 6640

first_name: Joseph
last_name: Rhodes
street_address: 10 Ford Circle
city: Union
state: OK
zip: 16874
dayphone: 484-196-4661
evephone: same
best_time: Any Time
number_of_windows: 13
why: heatwhen: 3to6_months
how_finance: funds_on_hand
own_property: Yes

ABCLead Sent Exclusively to: (Customer Name here)

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To receive credit on your account for a bad lead – you must fill out our form. If you have any questions about what constitutes a bad lead you will find a detailed definition on that page.